Saturday, July 23, 2005

Add links to your auctions to promote your other items.

One of the great things about eBay is that you can use the low cost advertising to spread the word about your mailing list, off-line store, blog or what ever else you want to promote. You need to be careful and follow the guidelines set by eBay or you could get banned if you aren't careful. Each of your auctions should link to your "About Me" page where you describe yourself and your business. You can also offer a mailing list on this page, link to your company web site or provide many other types of info.

Don't forget to collect the e-mails of all of your buyers so that you can send out flyers on your items but always remember to remind them that they have made a purchase from you in the past and give them the option of requesting to be dropped from your list. Always be polite and remember to remove anyone that doesn't want to be a part of your mailings so you don't end up on the spammers list.

Don't forget to include links to your other pages on eBay. You should always include the following links in EVERY auction:

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1.   Lord of the Rings Limited Edition Sting Sword

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How you choose to do it is up to you (and eBay) but the important thing to remember is to do it.
See you next time!


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